HOME DEFENSE – PRICE $150 | Schedule Your Class

Owning a handgun, rifle, or shotgun as a home defense weapon is only the first step. The equally important step is to get professional trained. Precision room-clearing techniques are used when the tactical situation calls for a room-by-room clearing of your home, workplace or other building during an active shooter, or other threat scenario. An example might be a home break-in during the middle of the night, where your family is soundly sleeping.

You’ll learn how to move from room-to-room, clearing each room on your way to protecting your family at home, your co-workers at work, or even your fellow church goers. You’ll learn about the fatal funnel, actions at the point of entry, and breaching techniques vital for success.

Plus, you’ll learn how to pick your next location of cover and concealment before you commit to moving towards it; you’ll learn what it means to slice a pie, and you’ll develop an eye for knowing what to look for. More importantly, you’ll be well equipped to handle most situations with confidence.

Equipment List:

  • Quality functional semi-automatic pistol only.
  • 3 magazines
  • Magazine pouch
  • Please wear long pants with pockets and belt loops, closed toe shoes (no flip flops or sandals), and a crew neck (T-shirt) or button-up shirt (no low-cut neckline)
  • Tuition includes free loan of firearms, safety glasses and hearing protection.


  • Estimated round count: 100 rounds pistol
  • Lead core ammunition
  • No green/brown tip, armor piercing rounds